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Laundry Detergent Powder purchase price + photo

Ingredients in laundry detergent powders abound

With the advancement of science and technology, there are now more effective ingredients in detergents

They help those who have skin allergy problems with clothes by washing their dresses with a powder detergent that does not contain any potential allergen

These powder detergents are also produced to eliminate stains, serve as fabric softeners, disinfectants, etc

Ingredients in the Laundry Detergent Powder usually consist of 15-30% Phosphate, 5-15% Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate, and 1-5% Bentonite 1-5% Polymeric Builder, 1-5% Optical Brighteners, and Perfumes

The active ingredient in powder detergents is usually sodium tripolyphosphate

In addition to altering the water chemistry to improve the detergency of the product, STP helps keep soap oils suspended in the water, so they don’t re-deposit as stains on clothes

This is why many formulations contain a tiny amount of dispersant

The anti-caking agent added to laundry detergent is silicon dioxide, zinc stearate, magnesium trisilicate, and similar preparations

It is required to prevent the pieces of laundry detergent from becoming hard and the surface of particles from forming a hard film

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Washing Powder for Colored Clothes

Detergents for colored clothing are available in various forms, including capsules, powders, liquids, and multiple scents

These solutions produce good results and prevent color fading, giving buyers a lot of options

However, it is important to choose a product that suits your needs

Generally speaking, red or pink stains can be removed easily with detergent if they are not too severely ingrained

To save time and effort, use the suitable detergent without any problems

Most detergents used in colored clothing do not contain bleach which can discolor cotton clothing

This is why, to prepare the dress before washing, we recommend using mild soaps

 Several detergents are suitable for removing colors from all types of laundry, including cotton, linen, and woolen clothes

The ordinary detergent available in stores is composed of a kind and amount of sodium carbonate (washing soda), sodium hydroxide (lye), and sodium sulfate

These chemicals work together to remove colors in almost all cases

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Laundry Detergent for Black Clothes

Laundry detergent for black clothes should be designed so it doesn’t stain the clothes it’s supposed to clean
It’s not just a question of which detergent cleans best
If a detergent does an excellent job cleaning stains out of white socks but dyes all your black shirts blue, then it is the wrong choice for someone who wears both white socks and black shirts
Dye is used in darker garments
Washing a darker garment removes dirt and detritus from the surface while also gently removing the color
Wear can also do this because abrasions show light areas and fiber loosening makes the shirt appear brighter

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Bleach Detergent for White Clothes

Laundry detergent for black clothes should be designed so it doesn’t stain the clothes it’s supposed to clean

It’s not just a question of which detergent cleans best

If a detergent does an excellent job cleaning stains out of white socks but dyes all your black shirts blue, then it is the wrong choice for someone who wears both white socks and black shirts

Dye is used in darker garments

Washing a darker garment removes dirt and detritus from the surface while also gently removing the color

Wear can also do this because abrasions show light areas and fiber loosening makes the shirt appear brighter

The washing of a garment may be sufficient to remove all the coloring matter that was previously deposited on it; thus, washing removes only the coloring matter and leaves the fibers unchanged

This is one of the most important facts in the history of this subject

The washing, however, has two direct effects: it takes away dirt and detritus from the surface, which means it restores brightness and freshness to indelible stains; and also it spreads color or dye over what remains of the textile fiber

The spread or diffusion works directly on those parts where, by pressure or agitation, there is still color

Removing dirt and debris from a garment’s surface will wash out bright colors

Therefore, laundry detergent for black clothes is used to reduce the bleaching of dyes for dark colors

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The Iranian Laundry Powder Detergent

Iranian laundry powders are the most effective products in the market

To prove it, these detergents are more than 60% more concentrated

They have a special formula and a “Motion” system that washes the clothes so that they come out brighter and softer

Iranian laundry powders are also very economical because you don’t need to use them as much as you would with other products

Iranian laundry powders will dissolve dirt, stains, and other unpleasant elements from your clothes

They clean clothes with a simple motion and will leave your clothes smelling fresh and soft, just like the way they come out of the dryer

They work in all types of water temperatures and leave no residue on your clothes

What makes Iranian laundry powders so different than others? We indeed live in a world where most products are similar to one another

But when this product has an 80% more concentrated formula, you have a winning product! Something else that sets us apart from our competitors is the “Motion” system we use to clean your clothes

Our formula is placed inside an inner bag and dissolves completely after you put it in the machine

It is distributed to the laundry chamber by a special “Motion” system on the machine

Therefore, you won’t be left with a sticky residue after you wash your clothes! Importance of using a detergent like this regularly: We created Iranian laundry powders for your convenience so that you don’t need to spend so much time looking for the right product

But there is something else you can use our product for

Using these products regularly will make your clothes look better and last longer because of all the benefits they provide

It softens your clothes with light movement in washing

Therefore, it will not damage or shrink them with hard movement in washes

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